An elegant OOP with mixins + AOP for JavaScript.


Version 2.x

This function declares how methods with a certain name should be chained. In most cases, end users do not use this function directly, opting for more declarative and easy to use alternatives: dcl.chainBefore() and dcl.chainAfter().


dcl.chainWith() sets a chaining rule for a method. It takes three parameters:

  • Ctr - the constructor function created by dcl().
  • name - the method name to be chained in Ctr’s prototype.
  • weaver - the weaver object, which defines how chaining is done.

Following rules should be followed:

  • It is impossible to “unchain” a chained method.
  • It is impossible to change a chained method once it was set from “before” to “after” or in the opposite direction.
  • Chaining should be declared only for base-less “classes”.
  • It is an error to mix “classes” with different chaining rules for the same method.
  • It is possible to declare chaining for a method without actually declaring the method.

The function returns true, if it was able to define a required chaining, false, if a constructor was not defined by dcl(), and throws an error, if a chaining conflict was detected.

A weaver object has at least two named properties:

  • name - the weaver’s name.
  • weave - the weaver function.

A weaver function is called in the context of a weaver object, and takes two parameters:

  • chains - the array of property descriptions that correspond to a given method chain.
  • utils - the object that defines numerous utilities to be used while weaving methods:
    • adaptValue(f) - adapts a function value by returning a getter for that value, or null.
    • adaptGet(f) - adapts a function getter by returning a function, which uses the getter to call its value as a function, or null.
    • convertToValue(descriptor) - converts a property descriptor from a getter to a value descriptor, or returns the old value descriptor.
    • cloneDescriptor(descriptor) - returns a shallow copy of descriptor flattening any prototypal inheritance in the process.
    • augmentDescriptor(type, value) - returns a function that takes a property descriptor, and sets type property on it to value, if it is not defined. If value a function, it is returned instead.
    • augmentWritable(value) - returns a function that takes a property descriptor, and sets writable property on it to value, if it is not defined. If value a function, it is returned instead.
    • replaceDescriptor()- returns a function that takes a property descriptor, and sets type property on it to value. If value a function, it is returned instead.
    • replaceWritable()- returns a function that takes a property descriptor, and sets writable property on it to value. If value a function, it is returned instead.

A weaver function should return a property descriptor, which will be defined for a given name on the final prototype.


In general, this is a mechanism to define custom weavers to extend dcl().

dcl defines following weaver objects:

  • dcl.weaveBefore - weaves chains using before method (the last one is called first). It is used by dcl.chainBefore(), and by before advices.
  • dcl.weaveAfter - weaves chains using after method (the first one is called first). It is used by dcl.chainAfter(), and by after advices.
  • dcl.weaveSuper - weaves chains using around method (the last one is called first, and has a chance to call the next one in chain explicitly). It is used by super calls and around advices automatically (no need to specify it explicitly).